2017 Day 286 – Good Words

A word fitly spoken
    is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold
    is a wise reprover to a listening ear.  Proverbs 25: 11-12

There are lots of Proverbs and scriptures instructing people to hold their tongues, to be quiet, to listen. Lots of warnings about what not to say.

But these Proverbs extol talking, good talking:

  • Words “fitly” spoken – suited to the occasion – not too much, not too little, but exactly what the person needs to hear at the time. If I’m going to give fit words, I need to pay more attention to the other person, to understand the person’s needs, to listen for the the right moment. It takes two good ears to impart a word fitly spoken.
  • Wise reproof – correction –  If I am going to reprove someone, I better love that person first. They need to know the reproof comes from love, not judgment or superiority. I must be patient to wait for the perfect moment – if there even is one.  And, leaning on God’s wisdom, speak the words that can be heard and lead to repentance.

Fit words and wise reproof so benefit the listener that they are like silver and gold, precious and valuable.

Dear Lord: Please help me to take the time and do the work to speak fit words and wise reproof. Amen.


One thought on “2017 Day 286 – Good Words

  1. Pingback: 2017 Day 287 – More Good Words | Longing for a Holiday at Sea

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